Friday, January 31, 2014

Being Social: Creative Sales!

Mark Wayne Adams (left) and Elaine Goldberg (right).
Mark Wayne Adams and Elaine Goldberg finally meet at a local Panera. Many of us find private spaces to work. Mark chooses to illustrate in public. Not only to get out of the office but to get readers' input. 

Elaine commented on Mark's Kids Need To Read unicorn calendar illustration. As they talked she realized he illustrated her favorite series, the Best Fairy Books, written by author Mrs. Bobbie Hinman. Elaine met the author at an Orlando Costco book signing. Now, years later, she meets the illustrator working on "The Freckle Fairy," the fifth book in her favorite series. 

Being social happens in many ways and inspires not only fans, but also the people around them. Mark received multiple orders from this meeting, none of which were Elaine's. He also captured several email addresses inquiring about the new book's release. 

Mark also signs book orders in public. What reader doesn't recognize an author signing books! The inventory is on hand for the reader to review. Mark offers to personalize the book, and uses the SquareUp reader and app to capture sales. Mark appreciates being social not only for the sales, but also for building his tribe of followers.

Mark Wayne Adams
President Elect of FAPA (Florida Authors & Publishers Association)
Moonbeam Award-winning Illustrator for
Nicholas, That's Ridiculous!

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