Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Contact Authors: Step 1 "Spiel"

Once an illustrator has a purpose and relevant work, it's time to contact authors. Not just one author, many authors! Develop a personalized "The Spiel", which works for most all situations. I offer 3 contracts that can be explained quickly, Purchase, Copyright, and Royalty contracts.


"Yes, Mr. Smith I do illustrate professionally. I offer 3 types of contracts that meet most any budget. They are Purchase, Copyright, and Royalty contracts. A Purchase Contract is the most expensive option, however allows a client to own the artwork and sign his/her name as the illustrator. A Copyright Contract is a budget friendly option, that allows a one time use of the digital art for the life of a printed book. The most popular of the three is a Royalty Contract, which is most cost effective and monetarily rewarding for a client. A Royalty Contract allows a client to reproduce the art in books, on merchandise, or anything that makes money. Mr. Smith do you have a card? I can better explain the benefits in a short email. Mr. Smith, you can then decide the contract that best fits your project."

Learning "The Spiel" is key to qualifying a client. This takes two minutes at most and can be repeated all day. Especially great at book events, conferences, or on an elevator.

Mark Wayne Adams
CEO, MWA, Inc.

Enhanced Reading:

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